Amaranth and its importance as Gold
It is wonderful to be able to work with this ingredient because of all the properties it contains. We are a fortunate generation to be able to count on this golden cereal. Did you know that it was recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2016 in Mexico?
Wow, amazing…! Now that we know this, it would be nice to see ways to preserve it forever, since it is also considered a sacred seed. It is a cultural symbol for Mexico, so why not make it a cereal of origin, for the whole world?
It is symbolically ancient and has transcended several Mesoamerican cultures, cultural regions of the American continent: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica.
Over time we have discovered the importance of this seed for its benefits. Today we can count on it in our life, health and well-being. Let's make it part of our diet and a companion in the pantry.
It has so many amazing benefits, which we were previously unaware of and which today are a cultural gift that we have inherited from the earth. We had not realized the importance it could have in our lives and how we can benefit from a cereal with superpowers, which grows and acts with kindness in our bodies.
It prevents cancer, helps control osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, liver and kidney failure... Did you know that it is recommended in diets for autistic people? It has a high energy and protein content, it contains folic acid and vitamins from group A, B, C, B1, B2, B3, YD... Let's stop counting, it is a good life bomb for our IMMUNE SYSTEM.
You probably already want to try it, but if you haven't yet, I invite you to do so with confidence.
We use this cereal in our amaranth nutritional bar because we believe that it has an important contribution that your body needs. We also encourage the recovery of ancestral ingredients and become aware of our origins.